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Order of the Württemberg Crown 符腾堡皇冠勋章
The Order of the Württemberg Crown was an order of chivalry in Württemberg.
First established in 1702 as the St.-Hubertus-Jagdorden (Order of St. Hubert), in 1807 it was renamed the "Ritterorden vom Goldenen Adler" (Order of the Golden Eagle) by Frederick I, and on 23 September 1818 renewed and restructured (at the same time as the civil orders) by William I as the "Order of the Württemberg Crown" with (initially) 3 classes (grand cross, komtur, knight). In 1918 the order was expanded and changed.
It's motto reads : Furchtlos und trew (fearless and true). Until 1913 the higher orders were restricted to the nobility. In descending order, its ranks were:
Grand cross for sovereigns
Grand cross
Komtur with star (since 1889)
Honour cross (since 1892)
Knight (since 1892 with golden lions, and since 1864 also with a crown, as a special honour)
gold Verdienstmedaille
silver Verdienstmedaille (abolished 1892)
勋章上的铬文为:Furchtlos und trew(勇敢忠诚)。至于1913年前,高级别的皇冠勋章一直是贵族的专属。其级别排列如下:
The order's cross was a white enameled Maltese cross with gold lions in its four angles. The lions came as standard for the grand cross and Komtur, but were only on knight's crosses as a special honour. On the upper arm, a golden crown was secured by means of two gold bands, from which - except in the honour cross in stuck form - the cross hung. All grades could since 1866 be awarded with swords. With the changes of 1890, the swords were only granted in awards of a higher class. Since 1892 the lowest grades (1870-1886 knight 2nd class, after that honour-cross) also had the special honours of golden lion and (since 1864) lion added.
The grand-cross was a silver 8-pointed star in whose middle was a reduced cross in a medallion with a circular motto in the centre. Sovereigns received the star in gold. The Komtur (since 1889 no longer of the Komtur with star) had a 4-pointed silver star whose rays went through the cross angles.
The ribbon was carmine red with black stripes and carmine borders. Members of reigning houses received insignia of the grand-cross with a ribbon in scarlet.
Many awards were made - in the First World War alone, the numbers were:
Grand cross with swords: 6
Komtur with star and swords: 6
Komtur with swords: 75
Ehrenkreuz with swords: ca. 160
Knight cross with swords and lions: 80
Knight cross with swords: insgesamt ca. 350
Gold Verdienstmedaille: 141
As an extraordinary instance, the grand-cross "in Brillanten" was granted to Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck in 1871.
The Military Merit Order 军事功勋勋章
The Military Merit Order (Militärverdienstorden) was a military order of the Kingdom of Württemberg, a member state of the German Empire. The order was one of the older military orders of the states of the German Empire. It was founded on February 11, 1759 by Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg as the Militär-Carls-Orden, and was renamed the Militärverdienstorden on November 11, 1806 by King Friedrich I. The order underwent several more revisions over the course of the 19th and early 20th centuries. It became obsolete with the fall of the Württemberg monarchy in the wake of Germany's defeat in World War I.
The order came in three classes: Grand Cross (Großkreuz), Commander's Cross (Kommandeurkreuz) and Knight's Cross (Ritterkreuz). Generally, the rank of the recipient determined which grade he would receive. Between 1799 and 1919, there were an estimated 95 awards of the Grand Cross, 214 of the Commander's Cross, and 3,128 of the Knight's Cross, with the bulk of these awards made in World War I; the numbers may only cover native Württembergers.
The badge of the order was a white-enameled gold cross pattée with curved arms and slightly concave edges. Around the white-enameled center medallion was a blue-enameled gold ring bearing on both sides the motto "Furchtlos und trew" ("Fearless and loyal"). On the obverse, the medallion bore a green-enameled gold laurel wreath. On the reverse, the medallion bore the monogram of the king of Württemberg at the time of award. The cross was the same size for the Grand Cross and the Commander's Cross, and slightly smaller for the Knight's Cross. The Grand Cross and Commander's Cross, and from 1870 the Knight's Cross, were topped with a crown. On September 25, 1914, the crown was removed from all grades.
勋章章体是涂有白色珐琅的金质十字。勋章中央正反两面的蓝色珐琅圆环上都有铭名“Furchtlos und trew”(勇敢忠诚)。勋章正面是金质绿色珐琅月桂花环。背面则是符腾堡王国的字母组合。大十字级与司令官级大小相同,骑士级相对小一些。原先大十字级和司令官级,以及1870版骑士级附有皇冠装饰。1914年9月25日,取消了这一装饰。
The star of the order, awarded with the Grand Cross only, was a gold-rimmed silver eight-pointed star featuring the ringed medallion of the obverse of the cross.
Friedrich Order 弗里德里希勋章
The Friedrichs-Orden was Württemberg's basic order for civil and military merit, filling roughly the same niche that the Order of the Zähringen Lion filled in Baden and the Albrechts-Orden did in Saxony. It was founded on January 11, 1830 by King Wilhelm I. As with the Order of the Württemberg Crown, swords were authorized on September 19, 1870 as a distinction for merit before the enemy. Originally a one-class order, in 1856 it was divided into a regular system of classes - Grand Cross (Großkreuz), Commander 1st Class (Komturkreuz I. Klasse, distinguished by the addition of a breast star), Commander 2nd Class (Komturkreuz II. Klasse), and Knight's Cross (Ritterkreuz). The Grand Cross could additionally be awarded with a crown. In 1886, the Knight's Cross was divided into a Knight 1st Class (Ritterkreuz I. Klasse) and Knight 2nd Class (Ritterkreuz II. Klasse). In 1892, a Merit Medal of the Order (Verdienstmedaille des Ordens) was established.
Dr. K.-G. Klietmann gives the following numbers for awards with swords in World War I: Großkreuz mit der Krone mit Schwertern (11), Großkreuz mit Schwertern (12), Komturkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern (19), Komturkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern (49), Ritterkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern (1,766), and Ritterkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern (5,111). Whether this includes all awards or only native Württembergers and soldiers in Württemberg units is unknown.
皇冠佩剑大十字级 11枚;
佩剑大十字级 12枚;
一级司令官级 19枚;
二级司令官级 49枚;
一级骑士级 1766枚;
二级骑士级 5111枚。
As with all Württemberg orders, the grade of award was based primarily on the rank of the recipient. Among junior officers, the Ritterkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern was typically awarded to Oberleutnante and Leutnante (and their naval equivalents), while the Ritterkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern went to majors .
Note: Klasse as the obverse and reverse are essentially the same. Only the Großkreuz had a different reverse.
Wilhelm Cross 威廉十字奖章

The Wilhelm Cross was established on September 13, 1915 in four classes/divisions: the Wilhelm Cross (for merit in war in the homeland), the Wilhelm Cross (for other merit), the Wilhelm Cross with Swords, and the Wilhelm Cross with Swords and Crown. The Wilhelm Cross ranked after orders but ahead of the Merit Cross and all other Württemberg decorations. The two versions of the Wilhelm Cross without Swords were for civilian merit in connection with the war effort or otherwise, while the Wilhelm Cross with Swords was intended to reward non-combat merit by Württemberg soldiers. The Wilhelm Cross with Swords and Crown was a higher grade of the Wilhelm Cross with Swords. Dr. Klietmann gives the following award numbers: Wilhelm Cross without swords (1,943), Wilhelm Cross with Swords (5,329), and Wilhelm Cross with Swords and Crown (108).

Merit Cross with Swords 佩剑功勋十字奖章

King Wilhelm II founded the Merit Cross on July 2, 1900 as an award for merit of all types. It ranked ahead of other decorations and just after orders. Swords were authorized on January 29, 1915, with the requirement that the recipient already have the Iron Cross and be a native Württemberger (although this latter requirement was waived on occasion). Klietmann states that there were 2,284 awards of the Merit Cross with Swords during World War I.
Golden Military Merit Medal 金质军事功勋奖章

The Golden Military Merit Medal was founded in 1800. Until 1806, it was an award for officers. In 1806, non-commissioned officers were made eligible. In 1818, the Golden Military Merit Medal was made a decoration solely for non-commissioned officers and the Silver Military Merit Medal described below was only for regular enlisted soldiers. At some point around the beginning of World War I, officers were again made eligible for the Golden Military Merit Medal. During the war, according to Dr. Klietmann's statistics, there were 4,234 awards of the Golden Military Merit Medal, of which 1,832 were to officers, almost entirely Leutnante and Oberleutnante. As noted above under the Military Merit Order, in November 1917 a golden wreath was authorized when just the ribbon was worn to distinguish the Golden Military Merit Medal from the Military Merit Order and the Silver Military Merit Medal.
Silver Military Merit Medal 银质军事功勋奖章

The Silver Military Merit Medal was the kingdom's basic bravery medal for enlisted soldiers. It was founded on May 30, 1794, and was thus one of the oldest enlisted bravery decorations in the world. Austria's Bravery Medal and Russia's Medal "For Bravery" in 1789, and Prussia's Golden Military Merit Medal in 1793, predated it. Bavaria's Golden Military Merit Medal came a few months later, on October 30, 1794. Saxony's Golden Military Merit Medal arrived in 1796. The Golden Medal was still relatively prestigious, but by World War I the Silver Military Merit Medal was roughly equivalent to Prussia's Iron Cross 2nd Class. It was awarded over 201,000 times during the course of the war.
Charlotte Cross 夏洛特十字奖章

The Charlotte Cross was a decoration primarily for war aid. It was founded by King Wilhelm II on January 5, 1916 "for persons without regard to class or gender who have done great service in the field or in the homeland in the care of the wounded and sick or in the area of general war aid."
Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order 卡尔·弗里德里希军事功勋勋章

Militärischer Karl-Friedrich-Verdienstorden was Baden's highest military honor and one of the most prestigious such honors among the German states. It was established on April 4, 1807 and came in three classes until 1818, when the Commander's Cross was divided into two grades.
The following table shows the numbers awarded among the different classes:
1807-1817 1818-1865 1866-1913 1914-1918
Grand Cross 12 10 10 9
Commander's Cross with Breast Star - 4 14 8
Commander's Cross 58 20 4 2
Knight's Cross 295 40 183 288

Order of Berthold the First 贝托尔德一世勋章

This order was founded on April 29, 1877 as a higher grade of the Order of the Zähringen Lion, and was originally called the Order of Berthold I of Zähringen (Orden Berthold I. von Zähringen). On September 9, 1896, the order was revised and new statutes enacted. It became a separate order from the Order of the Zähringen Lion, ranking ahead of that order and below the House Order of Loyalty and the MKFVO. It came in four grades - Grand Cross, Commander's Cross 1st Class, Commander's Cross and Knight's Cross - and could be awarded with swords "for distinguished conduct in the face of the enemy" ("für ausgezeichnetes Verhalten vor dem Feinde"). Nevertheless, awards with and without swords were extremely rare. Although sources differ on the totals, it appears that approximately 700 awards were made in all grades, and approximately 60 of these were with swords. All but two of the swords awards, both Knight's Crosses, were in World War One.

Order of the Zähringen Lion 宰林根雄狮勋章

The Order of the Zähringen Lion(German: Orden vom Zähringer Löwen), considered by many to be one of the most attractive German orders, was Baden's main order. It was founded on December 26, 1812, and awards with swords were authorized in 1866. There were originally three classes - Grand Cross, Commander's Cross and Knight's Cross. In 1840, the Commander's Cross was divided into two classes, distinguished by the addition of a breast star for the Commander 1st Class. In addition, in 1840, a sprig of gilt oakleaves was authorized as a higher grade of various classes. In 1866, the Knight's Cross was divided into a Knight 1st Class and a Knight 2nd Class, with the Knight 2nd Class being silver instead of gold like the other classes (as with other German orders, gold switched to silver-gilt during World War One).

As with other Baden orders, sources differ somewhat on the total numbers awarded. The following table shows numbers awarded with swords based on the research of Henning Volle and Erhard Roth.
1866-1918 (Volle) 1914-1918 (Volle) 1914-1918 (Roth)
Grand Cross 65 41 43
Commander 1st Class 82 53 55
Commander 2nd Class with Oakleaves 21 0 1
Commander 2nd Class 174 107 105
Knight 1st Class with Oakleaves 244 138 139
Knight 1st Class 718 525 514
Knight 2nd Class with Oakleaves 1,539 1,504 1,479
Knight 2nd Class 6,754 6,367 6,317:


Merit Medal of the Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order 卡尔·弗里德里希军事功勋奖章

The Merit Medal of the Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order, also known as the Karl-Friedrich Military Merit Medal (Karl-Friedrich-Militär-Verdienstmedaille) was Baden's highest award bravery for enlisted soldiers and non-commissioned officers. It was established on April 4, 1807, the same day as the MKFVO. It is unusual among German decorations in that it is officially named - the recipient's name was engraved on the reverse. There was a Gold Karl-Friedrich Military Merit Medal, but it was only awarded 119 times, with more than half of these dating to the Napoleonic Wars period, and with the last gold medal awarded in the Franco-Prussian War. The silver medal was awarded 2,792 times: 498 awards in the Napoleonic period (1807-1804), 441 awards between 1814 and 1870, 571 awards during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) and 1,282 awards in World War One. The medal used the same ribbon as the MKFVO. To avoid confusion when only ribbons were worn, on November 11, 1917 a green enameled wreath was authorized for the MKFVO and gold and silver wreaths for the Karl-Friedrich Military Merit Medal (although no gold medals were actually awarded).

Merit Cross of the Order of the Zähringen Lion 宰林根雄狮功勋十字奖章

The Merit Cross of the Order of the Zähringen Lion(German: Verdienstkreuz des Orden vom Zähringer Löwens) was established on April 29, 1889 as a lower grade of the order below the Knight's Crosses. Military recipients were mainly senior non-commissioned officers, especially in various support roles. On September 25, 1914, awards were authorized "for distinguished conduct in the face of the enemy" ("für ausgezeichnetes Verhalten vor dem Feinde"), in which case the Merit Cross was worn on the ribbon of the MKFVO (to avoid confusion, a gilt crowned "F" was authorized on November 13, 1917 as a ribbon device). Various sources differ on the numbers awarded, but just under 2,700 were apparently awarded on the statute ribbon and less than 600 on the ribbon of the MKFVO.
Merit Medals 功勋奖章

The Merit Medals were the basic civil and military merit medals of Baden. Prior to 1866, they were referred to as the Civil Merit Medals, but with the version Grand Duke Friedrich I established on September 30, 1866 the word "Civil" was dropped and military personnel became eligible. During the reigns of Friedrich I and Friedrich II, there were basically three versions: small gold, large gold and silver. When awarded for merit in combat, the Merit Medal was authorized on the ribbon of the MKFVO. During World War One, the silver Merit Medal on the ribbon of the MKFVO was widely awarded, and for enlisted soldiers was basically Baden's equivalent of the Iron Cross 2nd Class.

Numbers awarded were as follows:
1869-1881 1882-1907 1907-1918
Large Gold on the statute ribbon 54 199 61
Large Gold on the ribbon of the MKFVO - - -
Small Gold on the statute ribbon 403 2,400 1,418
Small Gold on the ribbon of the MKFVO 6 4 395
Silver on the statute ribbon 872 5,738 3,053
Silver on the ribbon of the MKFVO 733 172 >100,000
1869年-1881年 1882年-1907年 1907年-1918年
大型金质版(标准授带) 54枚 199枚 61枚
大型金质版(MKFVO授带) 无 无 无
小型银质版(标准授带) 403枚 2400枚 1418枚
小型银质版(MKFVO授带) 6枚 4枚 395枚
银质版(标准授带) 872枚 5738枚 3053枚
银质版(MKFVO授带) 733枚 172枚 超过10万枚

Order of Fidelity 忠诚勋章

Instituted: 17 June 1715.Discontinued 1918.
War Merit Cross 战争功勋十字奖章

The War Merit Cross was issued primarily for activities on the homefront and is comparable to the Prussian Merit Cross for War Aid (Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe).
Field Service Decoration 前线服役奖章

This was a general service or campaign medal, instituted in 1839 and awarded retroactively back to the Napoleonic Wars. Date bars could be worn on the ribbon to indicate campaign service. There were 18 bars:
Cross for Voluntary War Aid 战争志愿援助十字奖章

Instituted: 24 December 1915.
Awarded: For outstanding service in tending the sick and wounded.
Commemorative Medal for 1849 1849年纪念奖章

This medal commemorated the crushing of the liberal revolution of 1849. Because much of the Baden Army had mutinied and fought on the rebel side, this medal has been called the Brudermordmedaille, somewhat antiseptically translated as "Fratricide Medal."
Bronze Jubilee Medal, 1902 铜质1902年版50周年奖章

This medal was issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the rule of Grand Duke Friedrich I, who had been regent after 1852 and grand duke since 1856. Another, rarer, medal was also issued for the 50th anniversary of the grand duke's reign in 1906.
Officer's Long Service Cross 军官长期服役十字奖章

Awarded: For 40 years' service.
Domestic Servant's Cross for 50 Years Service 50年公共服务十字奖章

Awarded: For 50 years' service.
Order of Louis 路德维格勋章

The Order of Louis (German: Ludwigsorden), was an order of the Grand Duchy of Hesse which was awarded to meritorious soldiers and civilians from 1807 to 1918.
The order was founded by Louis I, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine as an order of merit without name or statute on August 25, 1807. On December 14, 1831 statutes were adopted for the order, giving it its formal name, dividing it into five classes, and setting the terms for award.
The order became obsolete with the abdication of the last Grand Duke of Hesse in November 1918.

Order of Philip the Magnanimous 菲利普慷慨勋章

The Order of Philip the Magnanimous was founded on May 1, 1840 by Grand Duke Ludwig II. In 1849, swords were authorized for awards to military personnel. On May 8, 1893, the provisions for swords were revised. Rather than distinguishing military awards from civilian awards, they would signify bravery or merit in war, and could be earned by civilians as well. Over the course of its existence, other revisions were made to the order, and by the early 1900s, the order came in the following classes: Grand Cross, Commander's Cross 1st Class, Commander's Cross 2nd Class, Honor Cross, Knight's Cross 1st Class and Knight 2nd Class. For each of these classes, a higher grade - "with crown" - was created in 1881. There was also associated with the order a Silver Cross, which could also be awarded with crown.

After 1893, most awards of this order to military personnel were without swords. Awards with swords remained uncommon even during World War One, where it might have been expected that they would have become more common. Instead, the grand duchy appears to have relied on its General Honor Decoration and, later, the Warrior Honor Decoration, to reward bravery and military merit.



General Honor Decoration 普通荣誉奖章

The General Honor Decoration, founded in 1843, was the grand duchy's default award for a variety of situations. The obverse was the same, while the reverse differed depending on what the award was for.
The following reverses existed during the reign of Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig:
Für Tapferkeit - For Bravery
Für Kriegsverdienste - For War Merit
Für Verdienste - For Merit
Für Treue Dienste - For Faithful Service
Für Langjährige Treue Dienste - For Long-standing Faithful Service
Für Fünfzigjährige Treue Dienste - For 50 Years' Faithful Service
Für Rettung von Menschenleben - For Saving of [a] Human Life
Für Wiederholte Rettung von Menschenleben - For Repeated Saving of Human Life
Für Treue Arbeit - For Faithful Labor
下列是恩斯特·路德维格大公在位时奖章背面的刻词: [l<&eI&ln
The General Honor Decoration was awarded without regard to rank, and the "For Bravery" and "For War Merit" were the grand duchy's standard military awards, equivalent to the Prussian Iron Cross. It was a relatively common award - although limited by statute to subjects of Hesse or to those serving in Hessian units, this was commonly ignored. Also, receipt of the Iron Cross was not a prerequisite. As the archives in Darmstadt were destroyed in the Second World War, it is unknown exactly how many were awarded, but an estimate of 150,000 for the "For Bravery" version has been made.
The medals were originally made of silver, but as World War One progressed, less expensive materials were used, such as silvered Kriegsmetall.
War Honor Decoration 战争荣誉奖章

This small circular decoration would have served as the Iron Cross 2nd Class equivalent for Hesse-Darmstadt. The obverse has the initials "ECE" with a crown over them. On the reverse is "War Honor Medal." The decoration is copper colored.
Fifteen Year Long Service Award 十五年长期服役奖章

This is a fifteen-year long-service award from Hesse for an unterofficer, which is set up as a one-place decoration. The gilt-toned cross, which has a "XV" on the reverse, is suspended from a court or parade mount cornflower blue ribbon.
Warrior Honor Decoration in Iron 铁质英勇荣誉奖章


Military Medical Cross 1914版军事医疗十字奖章

The Military Cross for medical personnel.
Order of the Star of Brabant 布拉班特之星勋章

Instituted: 14 June 1914.
Grades: 10 (Grand Cross, Grand Commander with Turquoise, Grand Commander 1st Class, Grand Commander 2nd Class, Commander 1st Class, Commander 2nd Class, Honour Cross 1st Class, Honour Cross 2nd Class, Knight 1st Class and Knight 2nd Class).


Order of the Golden Lion 金狮勋章

Military Merit Cross, 1870-71 普法战争军事功勋十字奖章

House Order of the Wendish Crown 温德皇冠家族勋章
The Order of the Wendish (or Wendian) Crown was the highest decoration of the Mecklenburg grand duchies, awarded by both Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz. It was jointly established on May 12, 1864 by Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Grand Duke Friedrich Wilhelm of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The Wendish Crown served as the house order for both houses, and came in four classes - Grand Cross, Grand Commander, Commander and Knight. There were also Gold and Silver Merit Crosses affiliated with the order.
The designs for both houses were essentially the same. The only differences were the grand ducal ciphers for the founders on the reverse of the center medallion and the motto appearing around the crown on the obverse of the center medallion. For Mecklenburg-Schwerin, the cipher was "FF" and the inscription was "Per Aspera ad Astra" ("Through striving, to the stars"), while for Mecklenburg-Strelitz, it was "FW" and "Avito Viret Honore" ("He flourishes on the honor of his ancestors").
两个家族所颁发的勋章大体相同。唯一的不同在于章体正中的刻字和围绕着皇冠的那圈铭文。梅克伦堡-什未林所颁发的正中刻着“FF”,那圈铭文为“Per Aspera ad Astra”(昨日努力奋斗,换来今天的成功),而梅克伦堡-史特雷利茨颁发的勋章正中刻的是“FW”,铭文则是“Avito Viret Honore”(光宗耀祖,无上荣光)。
According to research by Eric Ludvigsen, there were 2,154 awards of all classes of the house order between its founding and the Grand Dukes' abdication in 1918, with about three quarters of these being from Mecklenburg-Strelitz. This number includes the two Merit Crosses, which together account for 40-45% of awards.
Other than several general officers, various princes and several adjutants to princes, the 1914 rank list shows very few German army officers as members of the house order on the eve of war, and few awards were made during the war (and then generally only to the same classes of people close to the courts in Strelitz and Schwerin). According to the 1914 rank lists, outside of royals, only two officers in the two Mecklenburg brigades held the order, both in the grade of Knight. These were Generalmajor Graf von Schimmelmann, commanding general of the 17th Cavalry Brigade, and Major von Warnstedt, on the staff of the 89th Grenadier Regiment (by way of comparison, some 14 officers in the 89th Grenadiers held various grades of the Order of the Griffin). To these may be added the division chaplain of the 17th Division, Floerke, and an adjutant to the commander of the IX Army Corps, Rittmeister von Behr, who also both held the Knight's grade. In addition, all four Oberzahlmeisters of the 89th Grenadiers and 90th Fusiliers held the Merit Cross (three Gold and one Silver).
Another officer, Hauptmann Erich von Langenn-Steinkeller of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika, was a Knight of both the Wendian Crown and the Griffin Orders, and held the Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross 2nd Class as well. He was the German resident in Bujumbura in what is now Burundi three times, in 1909 and from 1911 to 1913 and 1915 to 1916. Ndqhc

Order of the Griffin 格里芬勋章 大十字级格里芬勋章及星芒章

The Order of the Griffin was primarily an award of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. The Strelitz equivalent was rarely awarded. However, in 1904 the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was made a co-Grand Master and joint statutes were enacted. Approximately 75-80% of awards were from Mecklenburg-Schwerin. It came in the following classes: Grand Cross, Commander's Cross, Honor Cross (also known as the Officer's Cross), Knight's Cross with Crown and Knight's Cross.
As noted above in the discussion of the Order of the Wendish Crown, the order was relatively commonly awarded pre-war. It was rarely awarded for bravery (in various campaigns, Mecklenburg-Schwerin had its Military Merit Cross to fill that role while for the Franco-Prussian War, Mecklenburg-Strelitz had its Cross for Distinction in War).
Military Merit Cross 军事功勋十字勋章

The Military Merit Cross (Militärverdienstkreuz) was established by Friedrich Franz II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin on August 5, 1848.
In several respects, Mecklenburg-Schwerin's Military Merit Cross was patterned after the Prussian Iron Cross. Both came in two classes, a pinback 1st Class and a 2nd Class worn from a ribbon, both were awarded without regard to rank (most other orders and medals of both states were awarded in different classes based on the rank or status of the recipient), and both were awarded for specific campaigns, as indicated by a date on the bottom arm of the cross. However, there were more versions of the Mecklenburg cross than of the Prussian cross (which was only awarded by Prussia in the Napoleonic Wars, the Franco-Prussian War and World War I, and by Nazi Germany in World War II).
The first versions were dated 1848 and 1849, and awarded for merit in the First War of Schleswig and in the suppression of the German Revolution of 1848-49 (some Mecklenburg troops were sent to Baden in 1849 while others remained in the fighting in Schleswig). In 1859, some Mecklenburg observers and Austrian officers were decorated for merit during the Second Italian War of Independence. The next version was dated 1864, and recognized merit in the Second War of Schleswig, also called the German-Danish War. Mecklenburg-Schwerin's participation on the side of Prussia and other north German states in the Austro-Prussian War led to the next version, dated 1866.
An 1870 version was created for the Franco-Prussian War, where Mecklenburg troops fought as part of the 17. Division. In this war, a number of officers and soldiers received both the Iron Cross and the Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross.
The next version was dated 1877. This was not awarded to Mecklenburgers (except for a few military observers), but to Russians and Romanians in the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878). Certain German states, especially Mecklenburg-Schwerin, were sympathetic to the Russian and Romanian cause, and had dynastic connections to both states. Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II's grandmother was Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna of Russia, his daughter was married to Tsar Alexander II of Russia's son, and his son and heir, Friedrich Franz III, would marry Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna of Russia in 1879. The Romanian royal family was a branch of the Hohenzollerns, the ruling house of Prussia and the newly created German Empire.
A version dated 1900 was struck for Mecklenburgers who had distinguished themselves in the Boxer Rebellion of 1900-01. An undated version was then created, which was awarded for merit in various colonial conflicts of the first decade of the 20th century, including the Herero Wars (a series of brutal conflicts where some Germans displayed great bravery in fighting guerrillas from the Herero and other tribes, while other Germans perpetrated what has come to be seen as the genocide of the Herero people).
Germany entered World War I in the first days of August 1914. On February 28, 1915, Friedrich Franz IV, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, reauthorized the Military Merit Cross. The new version was dated 1914 and awards were made retroactively to the beginning of the war. Both classes of the Military Merit Cross continued to be awarded throughout the war, both to Mecklenburgers and to soldiers of other German states and German allies. Upon Friedrich Franz IV's abdication in November 14, 1918, the Military Merit Cross became obsolete. It continued to be permitted for wear by those who had received it through the Weimar era, the Third Reich and in West Germany (it is unclear whether East Germany permitted the wear of any Imperial German decorations).
In all its versions, the Mecklenburg-Schwerin Military Merit Cross was a bronze gilt cross pattée ins design, similar to the Iron Cross but with slightly narrower arms. The obverse bore a crown on the upper arm, the initials of Friedrich Franz in the center, and the date (except for the colonial version) at the bottom of the lower arm. The reverse of the 2nd Class bore the legend "Für Auszeichnung im Kriege" ("For distinction in the war"). The reverse of the 1st Class, a pinback cross (Steckkreuz), was blank.
各个版本的军事功勋十字勋章都是铜质,表面镀金,造型与铁十字勋章十分相近,但前者的十字臂更加纤细。章体正面上部有一个皇冠图案,正中是弗里德里希·弗朗茨的首字母大写FF,再往下刻着日期(殖民地版除外)。二级勋章的背面有铭文“Für Auszeichnung im Kriege”(因为战功)。一级勋章的背面只有别针。
The ribbon was light blue with narrow edge stripes of yellow and red (with the red stripes on the outside). For awards to non-combatants, the same cross was worn, but the ribbon was changed to red with light blue and yellow edge stripes.
Third Class Long Service Cross 三级长期服役十字奖章

A scarce Third Class Service Cross for nine years service in the Army of Mecklenburg-Schwerin for an enlisted man. This bronze-toned cross has the cypher of Franz Friedrich of Mecklenburg- Schwerin on one side and the Roman numerals IX on the other. A crisp looking ribbon in yellow, light blue, and magenta.
House Order of the Wendish Crown 温德皇冠家族勋章
Order of the Griffin 格里芬勋章
Cross for Distinction in War 战争荣誉十字勋章

The Cross for Distinction in War was established by Grand Duke Friedrich Wilhelm on March 10, 1871. It was awarded without regard to rank for bravery and military merit and as such may be considered the grand duchy's equivalent of the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Also like the Iron Cross, it was established as a specific wartime award rather than a general military decoration. Thus, awards of this version were only for the Franco-Prussian War. A total of 269 were awarded with the inscription "Tapfer und Treu" ("Brave and Loyal") and 14 with the inscription "Für Tapferkeit" ("For Bravery"). Along with one to the Grand Duke himself, all of the latter went to officers, and none below the rank of Major.
战争荣誉十字勋章由弗里德里希·威廉大公于1871年3月10日设立。授予对象为任何作战勇敢和战功卓著的官兵,其级别等同于二级铁十字勋章。与铁十字勋章一样,按有关规定,战时颁发的战争荣誉十字勋章高于其他普通军事奖章。此勋章的第一版出现于普法战争时期,总共授予了269枚背面铭文为“Tapfer und Treu”(勇敢忠诚)和14枚背面刻有“Für Tapferkeit”(因为勇敢)的勋章。获得者除大公自己以外,全部为军官,且军衔皆为少校以上。
The decoration was renewed by Grand Duke Adolf Friedrich VI on August 11, 1914. The date "1914" was added to the lower cross arm. During World War One and through May 31, 1924, when retroactive awards ceased, a reported 8,131 crosses were awarded with the inscription "Tapfer und Treu" ("Brave and Loyal") and 25 with the inscription "Für Tapferkeit" ("For Bravery") (based on a study by Peter Ohm-Hieronymussen). All of the latter were to royals or very senior officers (the lowest ranking recipient was then-Generalleutnant Erich Ludendorff). The cross could be awarded on the non-combatant's ribbon, usually referred to as the "red ribbon" (as the colors of the combatant's ribbon were reversed, with red predominating). Research by Neal O'Connor indicated that there were 470 awards "on the red ribbon," but it is unclear whether they were included with or in addition to the 8,131 that Ohm-Hieronymussen cites. There was also, according to O'Connor, a list of 127 women (with one name crossed out) who received the award, presumably for homefront merit in support of the war effort, but again it is unclear whether these are part of the 8,131.
1914年8月11日,阿道夫·弗里德里希六世大公宣布恢复此勋章。新版本的十字臂上刻有1914字样。自一战期间至1924年5月31日停止颁发为止,据彼得·欧姆-海诺马森的统计,一共授予了8131枚“Tapfer und Treu”(勇敢忠诚)和25枚“Für Tapferkeit”(因为勇敢)。其获得者全为王室成员和高级军官(获得者中最低军衔的是埃里希·鲁登道夫中将)。此十字勋章也能授予给非战斗人员,不过使用的是“红色授带”(以红色为主,颜色与战斗人员版的相反)。据尼尔·奥康纳统计,共颁发了470枚“红授带”版勋章,不过不清楚海诺马森所统计的8131枚里面有没有把这470枚包括在内。奥康纳的数字还显示有127名女性也被授予了“红授带”版(其中一人后被剔除),估计应是在后方努力工作而获得此勋章的,另外,同样不清楚这127枚是否在8131枚之内。
On January 1, 1915, Grand Duke Adolf Friedrich VI established a 1st Class version of the cross, about which see below.
Cross 1st Class for Distinction in War 一级战争荣誉十字勋章 
The Cross 1st Class for Distinction in War was established on January 1, 1915 as a higher class of the Cross for Distinction in War (there had been no 1st Class of the Franco-Prussian War version). Like the Iron Cross 1st Class, it was a pinback cross awarded without regard to rank. It was awarded for "repeated acts of outstanding bravery before the enemy" ("wiederholte hervorragende Tapferkeit vor dem Feinde"). According to O'Connor's research, 419 appear to have been awarded (the role shows five names crossed out, leaving 414, but whether the awards were revoked or improperly recorded, or whether, as in some German states, awards to Jews were removed during the Nazi era, is unknown).
[ 本帖最后由 zhousjNR 于 2012-7-22 13:25 编辑 ]