简介: 模仿花花公子玩伴每月一选的阁楼宠物基本上也是一年不如一年。但去年一月号的模特Erica Ellyson是个亮点。 本人见过的西女里外表最迷人,气质极佳的一位。Erica Ellyson五官不象传统欧美女性那样棱角过深,看起来更加唯美,更容易让东方人接受。配合那水灵灵的眼睛,非常传神,身体也非常匀称,身体比例也很标准,几乎接近完美。反正是美的没话说
英文简单概要(简介): Erica Ellyson is an American model who was Penthouse Pet of the Month for January 2007 and Pet of the Year for 2008. She was raised in Pascagoula, Mississippi. As for March 2008, she was living in San Diego, California, where she is working toward a bachelor's degree in Architecture at the NewSchool of Architecture and Design. In March 2008, she was reported to be dating Boston Red Sox pitcher Clay Buchholz 水平有限,凑合着看 Erica Ellyson来自于美国的模特,曾获得07年1月阁楼月宠,和08年阁楼年宠她从小生长在密西西比洲的Pascagoula。至于08年3月,他生活在加洲的圣地亚哥,在NEWSCHOOL的建筑设计系攻读建筑学学位。在08年3月,据传闻到,他正在与波士顿红袜队的投手Clay Buchholz拍拖。 相关作品:参与: 1. Wrapture! (2008) (V) 2. Masks and Capes, Ropes and Gags! (2008) (V) .... Tennis Player 3. Double Jeopardy for Captive Girlfriends! (2008) (V) 4. "Howard Stern on Demand" (1 episode, 2008) ... aka Howard TV on Demand (USA) - Prinzzess (2008) TV episode 5. Binding Contracts for Business Girls! (2008) (V) 6. Who's Killing the Pets? (2008) (V) 7. The Chloroform Solution to Knotty Problem! (2007) (V) .... Rich Woman 8. Costume Bondage Fantasies (2007) (V) .... Cheerleader 9. Nice Girls Are Easy... to Tie and Gag! (2007) (V) 10. Sneaky Chloro Schemes! (2007) (V) 11. Bound and Gagged Captives of Chloro! (2007) (V) 12. August's Nude Bondage Nightmare (2007) (V) 13. Conspiracies Create Captives (2007) (V) 14. Innocent Heroines Stripped and Bound (2007) (V) 15. Bound and Gagged Costume Beauties (2007) (V) .... Criminal/Indian Princess 独自: 1. "Howard Stern on Demand" .... Herself (1 episode, 2008) ... aka Howard TV on Demand (USA) - Erica & Bree (2008) TV episode .... Herself