查看完整版本: 31歲美國華裔成人女星 Felicia Lee 被45歲男友毆打窒息而死

aviate 2009-9-18 22:21

31歲美國華裔成人女星 Felicia Lee 被45歲男友毆打窒息而死

[size=13px]Felicia Lee 原名 (Felicia Tang)

Felicia Lee, who worked under the name "Felicia Tang."

A Monrovia woman who was found dead inside her apartment last week is aformer actress and model who appeared in a number of adult movies andphoto shoots.

Felicia Lee, 31, worked under the stage name Felicia Tang.

Her credits include appearances in several mainstream movies, including"Rush Hour 2" and "The Fast And The Furious," as well as adult filmssuch as "Asian Fever" and "Hotel Decadance," according to hernow-defunct Web site. She also appeared repeatedly on Playboy TV andother cable-television adult programs, according to her credits.

Police found Lee dead on Friday inside her apartment in the 500 blockof West Duarte Road in Monrovia. She had been beaten and suffocated,detectives said.

Her boyfriend, Brian Lee Randone, 45, was charged with torture andmurder on Wednesday. He is being held in lieu of $2 million bail.

Court records indicate Randone has no criminal record in Los Angeles, Orange or San Bernardino counties.

According to a biography posted on her Web site, Lee was born inSingapore. She claimed she moved to Australia to study, beforerelocating with her family to Southern California.

Her adult modeling appears to have ended in 2008, when she took down her Web site.








x000 2009-9-18 22:53


wspzhsr 2009-9-18 22:53


chinawhom 2009-9-19 00:10


aegeansea 2009-9-19 09:31

唉 华人的悲哀啊 虽然做了这么多的爱 最终难逃一劫啊!

wllpder 2009-9-19 17:07


zjl336 2009-9-19 17:22


ruye 2009-9-19 19:09


davidwance3 2009-9-19 21:19

很少听到这个女的嘛!被人殴打致死?够震惊 的!

chaos_t 2009-9-19 23:10


deepinocean 2009-9-19 23:58


可爱猫猫 2009-9-20 00:05

真是可怜啊 还没看过她的片子 哪位达人制作一个她的专辑啊!

ilcyy17 2009-9-22 12:09

是只拍写真的吗 在avuniverse上一部她的片子都没搜到 这女的比较符合西方人审美

boscok 2009-9-22 12:29


heng1chang 2009-9-22 12:29


神的玩偶 2009-9-22 12:33

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查看完整版本: 31歲美國華裔成人女星 Felicia Lee 被45歲男友毆打窒息而死